doc writing guide -

  • Overview
    • Graphs, Nodes, Buffers, Patches
  • Getting Started
  • Nodes
    • Inputs
    • Channel upmixing
    • Triggers
    • Buffers
    • Monitoring node status
    • Chance and stochastic nodes
    • Node class reference
  • AudioGraph
  • Global configuration
  • Graph status
  • Recording the audio output
  • Buffers
  • Why called before? Because can store (e.g.) control data, not just audio
  • Buffer types
  • Interpolation
  • Creating buffers
    • From a sound file
    • From a sample array
    • From a function
  • Recording to buffers
    • Audio data
    • Control data
  • Saving buffers
  • Reading buffer data
  • Patches
  • Tutorials
  • Topics
  • Interactive sound design
  • Sequencing and composition
  • Live coding
  • Controls and GUI
  • MIDI control
  • Offline processing
  • Panning and spatial audio
  • Spectral processing with FFT nodes
  • Sonification
  • Algorithmic composition
  • Sequencing (using isobar)

Last update: 2024-07-22
Created: 2024-07-22