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Playing a Patch

Once a Patch has been defined or imported, it can be instantiated in two different ways depending on how it was defined:

From a Patch subclass

The simplest way to instantiate a Patch is by defining it as a Patch subclass, and then instantiating it in the same way as a Node.

class Hat (Patch):
    def __init__(self, duration=0.1):
        duration = self.add_input("duration", duration)
        noise = WhiteNoise()
        env = ASREnvelope(0.0001, 0.0, duration, curve=2)
        output = noise * env

hat = Hat()

Once a Patch has finished, its state changes to SIGNALFLOW_PATCH_STATE_STOPPED.

Just as with nodes, it is important to remember that playing a patch means "connecting it to the graph". For this reason, it is not possible to play the same patch more than once, as it is already connected to the graph.

To play multiples of a particular Patch type, simply create and play multiple instances.

From a PatchSpec

Once a PatchSpec has been created or imported, it can be played by instantiating a Patch with the PatchSpec as an argument:

patch = Patch(patch_spec)

Connecting a Patch to another Patch's input

A Patch can be connected to the input of another Patch (or Node), in exactly the same way described in Connecting a Node to another Node's input.

Once you have got to grips with this paradigm, it becomes simple to build up sophisticated processing graphs by abstracting complex functionality within individual Patch objects, and connecting them to one another.

Stopping a Patch

As in Node playback, stopping a Patch disconnects it from the AudioGraph. Patches with auto-free are automatically stopped when their lifetimes ends. Patches with an unlimited lifespan must be stopped manually, with:


This disconnects the Patch from its output.

→ Next: Patch inputs

Last update: 2023-01-03
Created: 2022-04-02