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Reference library > Oscillators


  • Impulse: Produces a value of 1 at the given frequency, with output of 0 at all other times. If frequency is 0, produces a single impulse.
  • SawLFO: Produces a sawtooth LFO at the given frequency and phase offset, with output ranging from min to max.
  • SawOscillator: Produces a (non-band-limited) sawtooth wave, with the given frequency and phase offset. When a reset or trigger is received, resets the phase to zero.
  • SineLFO: Produces a sinusoidal LFO at the given frequency and phase offset, with output ranging from min to max.
  • SineOscillator: Produces a sine wave at the given frequency.
  • SquareLFO: Produces a pulse wave LFO with the given frequency and pulse width, ranging from min to max, where width of 0.5 is a square wave and other values produce a rectangular wave.
  • SquareOscillator: Produces a pulse wave with the given frequency and pulse width, where width of 0.5 is a square wave and other values produce a rectangular wave.
  • TriangleLFO: Produces a triangle LFO with the given frequency and phase offset, ranging from min to max.
  • TriangleOscillator: Produces a triangle wave with the given frequency.
  • Wavetable: Plays the wavetable stored in buffer at the given frequency and phase offset. sync can be used to provide a hard sync input, which resets the wavetable's phase at each zero-crossing.
  • Wavetable2D: Wavetable2D

Last update: 2024-01-30
Created: 2023-11-09