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Chance and stochastic nodes

SignalFlow has a number of stochastic nodes, which make use of a pseudo-random number generator (RNG) to produce unpredictable output values.

Each object of these StochasticNode subclasses stores its own RNG. By default, the RNG is seeded with a random value, so that each run will generate a different set of outputs. However, to create a repeatable pseudo-random output, the seed of the node's RNG can be set to a known value:

>>> r = RandomUniform(0, 1)
>>> r.process(1024)
>>> r.output_buffer[0][:4]
array([0.48836085, 0.64326525, 0.79819506, 0.8489549 ], dtype=float32)
>>> r.set_seed(123)
>>> r.process(1024)
>>> r.output_buffer[0][:4]
array([0.7129553 , 0.42847094, 0.6908848 , 0.7191503 ], dtype=float32)
>>> r.set_seed(123)
>>> r.process(1024)
>>> r.output_buffer[0][:4]
array([0.7129553 , 0.42847094, 0.6908848 , 0.7191503 ], dtype=float32)

Note the identical sequences generated after repeatedly setting the seed to a known value.


Calling node.process() is generally not good practice, as it does not recursively process all of the node's inputs (unlike when a node is embedded within an AudioGraph, which correctly handles recursion and cyclical loops). Please use at your peril!

→ Next: Node reference library

Last update: 2023-11-08
Created: 2022-04-01