Command line generic
1. Set up a virtual environment
Creating a new virtual environment for SignalFlow minimises the chances of conflict with other local Python installs.
python3 -m venv signalflow-env
source signalflow-env/bin/activate
2. Install SignalFlow
Installing SignalFlow with pip
pip3 install signalflow
If the installation succeeds, you should see Successfully installed signalflow
3. Line test
The installation of SignalFlow includes a command-line tool, signalflow
, that can be used to test and configure the framework. Check that the installation has succeeded by playing a test tone through your default system audio output:
This may take a few seconds to run for the first time. To exit the test, press Ctrl-C (^C
signalflow test
4. Hello, world
In your text editor, create a new .py
file containing the below code:
from signalflow import *
graph = AudioGraph()
sine = SineOscillator([440, 880])
envelope = ASREnvelope(0.1, 0.1, 0.5)
output = sine * envelope * 0.1
When you run the script, you should hear a short stereo "ping".
5. (Optional) Interactive notebooks in Jupyter
A nice way to experiment with SignalFlow is by using Jupyter interactive notebooks.
Install Jupyter and register this virtual environment as a Jupyter kernel:
pip3 install jupyter
python3 -m ipykernel install --name signalflow-env
Open a Jupyter notebook:
jupyter notebook
Created: 2023-11-08