A Buffer
is an area of memory that stores single-channel or multi-channel data, which may represent an audio waveform or any other type of signal.
- A Buffer can be created from a sound file, an array of samples, a specified dimension, or the result of a function
- A Buffer can be saved to a sound file
- A Buffer can be passed to a Node or Patch as an input
- Buffer sample access can be performed by get/set/fill methods, or directly as a numpy array
- Buffers can be modified, combined and queried with standard arithmetic operators
- Buffers can be queried for a number of properties, including interpolation modes and total memory usage
- TODO: Different Buffer subclasses exist for specific operations, including
- TODO: Playing a buffer, including sample rate conversion and interpolation
- TODO: Recording and rendering audio into a Buffer
Last update:
Created: 2021-06-08
Created: 2021-06-08