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Patch inputs

Just like a Node, a Patch supports three different classes of input:

  • Audio-rate inputs: Takes the output of another Node or Patch as an input, for continuous modulation of synthesis parameters
  • Trigger inputs: Used to trigger discrete control events — for example, restarting buffer playback
  • Buffer inputs: Used to pass the contents of an audio buffer to a patch — for example, as a source of audio samples, or an envelope shape

Audio-rate inputs

A Patch supports any number of user-defined named inputs, which can be used to modulate the nodes within the patch.

Each input must be defined by calling add_input() when the Patch is first defined, with an optional default value.


Note that Patches do not yet support variable inputs.

When a Patch is playing, the value of its inputs can be set using patch.set_input():

class Bloop (Patch):
    def __init__(self, frequency=880, duration=0.1):
        frequency = self.add_input("frequency", frequency)
        sine = SineOscillator(frequency)

bloop = Bloop()
bloop.set_input("frequency", 100)


Note that Patches do not yet support setting inputs with Python properties (e.g. patch.prop_name = 123), as is possible with node inputs.


When defining a Patch, it is possible to define which Node should receive trigger() events sent to the Patch. This is done with patch.set_trigger_node():

class Hat (Patch):
    def __init__(self, duration=0.1):
        duration = self.add_input("duration", duration)
        noise = WhiteNoise()
        env = ASREnvelope(0.0001, 0.0, duration, curve=2)
        output = noise * env

h = Hat()
h.trigger() # triggers a hit, resetting the ASREnvelope to its start point

This can be used to create a Patch that stays connected to the AudioGraph and can be retriggered to play a hit.


Note that Patches only presently support trigger events directed to a single node within the patch, and cannot route triggers to multiple different nodes.

Buffer inputs

Buffer inputs can be declared at define time by calling self.add_buffer_input(). Similar to add_input, the return value is a placeholder Buffer that can be used wherever you would normally pass a Buffer:

class WobblyPlayer (Patch):
    def __init__(self, buffer):
        buffer = self.add_buffer_input("buffer", buffer)
        rate = SineLFO(0.2, 0.5, 1.5)
        player = BufferPlayer(buffer, rate=rate, loop=True)

buffer = Buffer("examples/audio/stereo-count.wav")
player = WobblyPlayer(buffer)

The buffer can then be replaced at runtime by calling set_input():

player.set_input("buffer", another_buffer)

→ Next: Operators

Last update: 2023-01-03
Created: 2022-04-02